Provide a general overview on the rise in the use of robots and artificial intelligence in the workplace. Present evidence that the use of robots and artificial intelligence is increasingly taking the employment opportunities to which humans have traditionally performed, including the level and scope of this trend.
Assess how this trend has affected the promise and security of continued employment for some/many in the United States economy, including an assessment on how the nature and type of employment is changing for the typical US worker (e.g., more part-time employment or static wages).
Present the criteria a human resource professional should review before determining whether a position should be filled by a robot or through artificial intelligence.
Discuss how these trends will affect the role of human resources, including the typical human resource functions such as recruitment, compensation, labor relations, risk and liability management, and organizational effectiveness.
Finally, discuss the role and duty a human resource professional has to ensure full employment for employees and, most importantly, the responsibility human resources should assume for those workers displaced by a world where robots and artificial intelligence are increasingly performing.


Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort was first developed in the 1990s. It is a middle-range theory for health practice, education, and research. This theory has the potential to place comfort in the forefront of healthcare. According to the model, comfort is an immediate desirable outcome of nursing care.
Web Link for additional information:
Video: Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory
Part 1 – Introduction

Part 2 – Concept Analysis

Chapter 22 – Joanne Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model
The Quality-Caring Model exposes and demonstrates the value of nursing within the evidence-based practice milieu of modern health care. Relationships characterized by caring are theorized to influence positive outcomes for patients/families, health care providers, and health care systems.
Web Link for additional information:” 351
1600081989-4613 Course – Operations Security – (Masters in Information Systems Security) “Please describe each question about 250 words in APA format with references

1. When organizations are implementing security policies, what business considerations must they take into account and why is this important?

2. When implementing policies and standards, building consensus amongst organizational stakeholders is important. Why is intent vs. need an important consideration?

3. Implementing security policies in an organization requires separation of duties when it comes to the IT staff. What does this concept mean and how do organizations ensure they are compliant?

4. Pick two best practices for User Domain Policies and explain what they are and provide examples of what could go wrong in an organization if these best practices are not followed.