The organization I chose to do my practicum at is a health clinic that services an assortment of patients. They pride themselves on caring for patients regardless of payment, and their mission statement states: “Our mission is to significantly improve the health status of its population through the prevention of illness, the promotion of health education, the provision of quality primary care, access to the under-served and a strong commitment to chronic disease” (BAHC, n.d.). There are 11 clinics across New Mexico. The majority of the population seen at the Las Cruces clinic are Hispanics. One of the most common diagnoses seen is GERD and heartburn. While GERD is common in Hispanics, there is not a lot of evidence that says spicy foods itself causes it (a staple in Mexican diets). “While there’s some evidence these foods can trigger heartburn, experts say how you eat is more important than what you eat when it comes to controlling painful flare-ups” (Heid, 2015). This is a health education issue that I feel needs to be addressed. Too often, it’s the type of food that gets blamed (spicy to be exact), rather than the when, how, and why. This needs to be address as it has a few implications for nursing. One, many patients self-medicate. They take over-the-counter Zantac or Pepcid or other antacids instead of being treated by a provider and educated, so when they do get seen, they have worse issues than the original problems. Another implication is this leads to worse issues and further studies being done. Endoscopies, colonoscopies and such, as well as studies for H. Pylori. This adds to patients being admitted, which adds to the patient load that is already stressed on the inpatient floors. References: BAHC. (n.d.). About Us . Retrieved from Heid, M. (2015, October 30). It’s Not Food Causing Your Heartburn-Here Are The 5 Real Culprits. Retrieved from