
Wendy Santos

4 posts

Re:Topic 2 DQ 1

School healthcare professional can enhance the impact of strategies for reducing health disparities, and reach more minority students for greater impact, by applying culturally appropriate prevention programs to reduce the incidence of diabetes, and reduce healthcare cost (American Diabetes Association, 2014). With the two nursing implications concerning the increasing prevalence, and high cost of treatment associated with diabetes, which places an enormous stain on the economic resources of the nation, with an expected lifetime medical spending for each individual to be at the least 124,600, and higher for younger individuals (American Diabetes Association, 2014). With type 2 diabetes being a preventable disease through lifestyle changes, suggest that reducing the incidence through prevention programs would lower lifetime medical spending, and decrease economic burden of treating diabetes, and improve life quality, and expectancy (American Diabetes Association, 2014).

Looking at diabetes prevention in light of minorities who suffer disproportionately from diabetes related complications, and the prevalence of 5.7% of diabetes for minorities, compared to 1.7 for white, is one clinical problem facing my organization, and contribute to the high numbers associated with healthcare cost (Lagisetty, Priyadarshini, Terrell, Hamati, Landgraf, Chopra, Heisler, 2017). Nurses have an important role and clear responsibilities when treating people with diabetes, of all diversities, with one of the responsibilities being prevention advice, using behavior change and health coaching techniques (American Diabetes Association, 2014). Nurses also have the responsibility to provide culturally appropriate care to the minority student they serve, thus decreasing lost days from school related to illness, and missed learning time which can affect grades from chronic absenteeism (American Diabetes Association, 2014).

American Diabetes Association. (2014). The Lifetime Cost of Diabetes and Its Implications for Diabetes Prevention. Retrieved from

Lagisetty, P. A., Priyadarshini, S., Terrell, S., Hamati, M., Landgraf, J., Chopra, V., & Heisler, M. (2017). Culturally Targeted Strategies for Diabetes Prevention in Minority Populations: A Systematic Review and Framework. The Diabetes Educator, 43(1), 54–77.