1. What do the authors of two of the course texts—The Chaneysville Incident,
    Corregidora, Beloved, Wild Seed—identify as the core element, or the most egregious
    offense, of the injustice of slavery? In what ways do the authors illustrate this most
    egregious offense or core element in their stories, and how does it emerge as the most
    severe problem the authors depict? And, since neo-slave narratives always in some way
    comment on the impact of slavery on the present, or analogize the history of slavery with
    the present, how do you think the author shows this core element or most egregious
    offense to be relevant to, or actually continuing in some other form in, the present?
  2. In class we discussed how Saidiya Hartman’s concept of “critical fabulation”
    operated in The Chaneysville Incident and Corregidora. Consider the latter two texts—
    Beloved, and Wild Seed. Identify and discuss ways “critical fabulation” operates in the
    actions of the characters, or in the authors’ development of the overall texts’ stories, or