Chapter 18

Quantitative Data Management

Data Management

You should review data as soon as it is collected in order to check for:

Consent forms are complete and signed

No duplicate identification numbers were given

No data is missing

Scoring was done correctly

Handwriting is legible


Managing the Data

In order to more efficiently manage the data consider:

Setting up a tracking system

Keeping data secure

Developing a filing system for your data

Ensuring each file is complete

Coding items as needed


Selecting the Software for the Database

When thinking about what software you need consider:

Is your data quantitative, qualitative, or both?

How will you analyze the data?

Will the data analysis be simple or complex?

How do you want to present your results?


Selecting the Software for the Database

When thinking about what software you need consider:

Is there support for the software?

What is the cost of the software?

Is the software compatible with your system?


Database Creation

Pilot test the software if never used before

Develop a codebook

Create the database

Input the data


Considerations in Building a Database

Think ahead to how you will use the data

Provide meaningful names for variables

Put accuracy checks in place

Test the database with preliminary analysis