Turn-Ins:  “Flight Search Preference” :

(A)    Create your program/project “Flight Search Preference”  in Android Studio. (hint: MacLean Book Chapter 11)

  1.  “Flight Search Preference” project should use the flight search preference example in CH11, and should have at least one CheckBoxPreference, at least one SwitchPreference, at least one ListPreference and at least oneEditTextPreference.

(B)    Run on the Emulator
(C)    Run on a real phone (optional)
(D)    Take screenshot(s) of either (B) or (C)
(E)    Put the screenshots in a Word document. Please have a cover sheet with your name and the name of the assignment. Name the file following naming convention “ENTD322Week5Assignment_First_Last.doc”
(F)    Zip your complete project
(G)   Submit the word document (E) and the zip file  (F) as an attachment.
Note: for turn-ins, your project should be done using Android Studio, not Eclipse.

Rubric for Grading AssignmentMaximum PointsWord document40Java program60