Endocrine Medications

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Answer in 25 words or less if possible.

Use your  own words only.


· Which three hormones are produced by the thyroid gland?

· What is TSH and which gland produces it?

· Why do we need iodine?

· What is the relationship between T3, T4 and TSH?

5. Medications for Hyperthyroidism. Fill in the Nursing Intervention for each side effect.

MedicationSide effects Nursing Intervention
Radioactive Iodine · Radiation Sickness· Bone Marrow Depression· Hypothyroidisma)
Propylthioracil(PTU)· Overmedication· Agranulocytosis· Hepatitisa)

· Which conditions are contraindicated with the two medications above and why?

· Why do patients diagnosed with hyperthyroidism have surgery? 

· Why is eye care important for hyperthyroidism?

· Where are the parathyroid and what condition may develop as a complication of thyroid removal surgery?

10. Medications for Hypothyroidism. Fill in the client education for each side effect.

MedicationSide EffectsPatient Education
Levothyroxine (Synthyroid)· Overmedication TachycardiaHeat IntoleranceWeight lossDiaphoresisAnxiety

· Give two contraindications for the medication listed above.

      12.  Give two medication interactions for Synthyroid and provide a rationale.

      13. Give two food interactions and provide a rationale.

· Give two nursing administration consideration for Synthyroid.


15. Fill in the following table. Give a brief description of disorder in your own words. For each side effect describe the intervention and education. (The disorder is given, please fill in the rest).

Disorder andMedicationSide effects (Give 3)Nursing Intervention/Client Education

16.  Name one condition that is contraindicated for medications used to treat Addison’s disease.

17.  Name one condition that is contraindicated for medications used to treat Cushing’s disease.

18. Fill in the following table. Give a brief description of disorder in your own words. For each side effect describe the intervention and education. (The disorder is given, please fill in the rest).

Disorder andMedicationSide effects (Give 3)Nursing Intervention/Client Education
Conn’s syndrome

· Name one condition that is contraindicated for medications used to treat Conn’s syndrome.

· Name one condition that is contraindicated for medications used to treat Pheochromocytoma. 

Fill in the following table. 

21. Describe what diabetes insipidus and a nursing intervention.

22. Describe what SIADH and a nursing intervention.


23. Please fill in the following insulin chart. (The first one is done as example).

ClassificationInsulinOnset of actionPeakDuration
Rapid/ fast actingLispro(Humalog)15 minutes or less0.5-1 hour3-4 hours
Short ActingRegular Insulin
Intermediate NPH Insulin
Long actingGlargine (Lantus)

24. Mr. Smith gets his breakfast tray at 8am. At what time should the Nurse administer Regular Insulin (Humulin R) and what is the rationale behind it? 

25. Oral Diabetic Medications

Class/MedicationActionSide effectsNursing and client teaching
Alpha Glucosidase inhibitors