• Field, A. P. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781526436566.

You must read the book to complete the assignments. The answers are to be found on the author’s webpage (linked via our Reading and Study pages). However, you must replicate the work using SPSS and submitting it in an output or file directly from your version of SPSS. You may use any version of SPSS 23 or higher. 

  • Chapter 1: Smart Alex task 1.9, but then omit J-Lo and Chris Judd’s days, since she is with A-Rod. Submit the altered results (Submission in Word is acceptable).
  • Chapter 2: Smart Alex task 2.13, however, add the SME’s marriage into the given statistics and submit your findings: 4765 days as of this writing. Submit the altered results (Submission in Word is acceptable).
  • Chapter 3: Smart Alex task 3.9. However, use this table instead of the book’s Table 3.3: