Please choose an individual print ad that you think has a distinct ‘message’ aimed at the audience (probably go with one of the ads you have analyzed for class thus far). Then, complete a paragraph that is built around a specific point of analysis identifying the ‘message’ used to achieve the purpose, or exigence, of the ad to sell its product. Try to ‘dig’ for the deeper ‘below the surface’ message this ad is telling its target audience. This paragraph should follow the PIES structure.
Reflect upon your ‘analysis’ of the ad and try to identify and present a (1) specific message the ad is ‘telling’ the audience as the foundation (P – main point) to build your paragraph using PIES structure. (I) Immediately develop your point and provide analysis of (explain) how/why message is sent or used. Provide (E) evidence from the ad that supports how this message exists in the ad. (S) Summarize the main point while trying to further analyze idea, perhaps in a new context. While developing this ‘message’ paragraph, try to avoid getting into the potential effects the ad has (at least in too much detail).
Here is an example ‘outlined’ version of a paragraph on the ‘Campbell’s Soup Ad’ (obviously, you will have to write a complete paragraph):
P (1 sentence): The Campbell’s Soup ad attempts tells young girls/women to eat their soup in order to maintain a ‘good’ weight.
I (will need to be 3-5 sentences): discuss societal expectations of appearance and weight women face, Campbell ad uses this expectation to emotionally manipulate its TA.
E (3-5 sentences): ad states/highlights how soup is low calorie; words of “watching their weight” combined with images of young girls highlights dangerous message.
S (3-5 sentences): Reaffirm dangerous message that supports problematic expectation on women. Consider how this message is now being aimed at younger and younger girls, potential implications.
***Be sure that the paragraph is focused on one specific point identifying the message used in the ad (P), follows the PIES structure with ‘evidence’ in the (~) middle 1/3, and is at least 1/2 page in length.***