Imagine you are a senior manager in a U.S. manufacturing firm, procuring component parts and services from various states.

What is required for a valid contract? Per the Chapter reading, explain contract formation and differences pursuant to common law versus the Uniform Commercial Code. Why is it important to distinguish and identify which applies in business?
Using the Strayer University legal research tool (see the link in Announcements), research one breach of contract case involving two U.S. businesses within the last year.  Explain the facts of the case, the dispute, and the outcome if the case resolved.  Post and show your source for information. The [C2C School] case is not acceptable for this discussion. Please find a case example no other student has posted on or no credit will be awarded.”
Law assignment “Should a workplace be allowed to subject an employee to disciplinary action (including discharge) if the employee does not return to work because that employee believes they may incur a higher risk of severe illness due to exposure to Covid-19 infection?  If so, should this apply to all employees who have that belief or should there be some underlying conditions (including age) for exempting only employees who meet certain criteria that would subject them to a higher risk of illness from Covid-19 exposure? Discuss all viable options and sides.

1.  Describe the Court of Appeal’s reasoning in DENYING Ford’s appeal (arguing that the trial court’s award of $3.5 million in punitive damages to the victim was not authorized or not valid)? [2 points]
2.  If you were on the jury, in your opinion, would you have awarded punitive damages to the plaintiffs?  How much and why?  [Remember that punitive damages are designed to punish the defendant– to send a message to society and deter or prevent the defendant’s behavior to occur again.  Punitive damages are not related to the actual cost of the damage incurred by the plaintiff (like medical bills)]  [2 points]
3. If you had been on the management team at Ford and all of the other managers agreed not to fix the known problem with the Pinto, but you disagreed,  what would you have done based on your own ethics, values and opinion? [1 point]”
Forum B1b “1. Discuss the important role of accountability in any criminal justice organization. What role does management/supervision play in limiting and reducing the amount of ethical violations by their organization?

2. How might the organizational culture of criminal justice organization impede management goals to reduce misconduct?