1. Describe the client with whom you have been engaging –including your initial impressions and challenges. Were there any value conflicts between you the agency and the client?
  2. Provide a detailed assessment (biopsychosocial-spiritual, including strengths) of the client system beginning with how the client came to agency, ie: the referral source, what is the presenting problem, issue that needs to be addressed. How do you partialize the problem(s) presented? Are other systems interacting with the client with whom you must connect? Discuss the approach you used grounding this discussion in the literature.
  3. Conscious use of self is a critical aspect of professional social work skills. Referring to the professional literature, discuss your growing conscious use of self and if/how supervision has facilitated deeper self-awareness and knowledge in your development of this skill.Add some content from a process recording that demonstrates your growing 9ability to consciously use yourself during the engagement/assessment process and critique this . . . what have you learned about yourself?
  4. What goals did you and the client identify? Are these consistent with the client’s needs and the agency’s services? Were there referrals and linkages that had to be made to accommodate the client’s needs?
    Was the client part of the process of identifying and setting goals? If not, why and with whom did you did you develop goals?
    How might the outcome of the work be impacted by client participation or lack of participation in the goal setting stage? Were there any ethical dilemmas for you in the goal setting process?
    Please integrate the professional literature into your response.
  5. What contracting arrangements did you and the client decide upon? Did you have to re-contract with the client during the assessment and the beginning of the work stage? What does the literature say about the importance of contracting?6. Provide a conclusion that ties the paper together do not simply reiterate what you did, but be thoughtful in your concluding statements.