*keep each question and reference separate  

What is the difference between “intelligence” and “information.”  The Department of Homeland Security, on the other hand, does not include a definition of “intelligence” in its glossary.  Do you find that odd?  Is the DoD definition good enough for DHS too?  Or does DHS need its own definition?

500 words 2 references 

The Army War College paper addresses the subject of Ethical Issues in War.  There is a school of thought that says war should be conducted within moral limits and some make the case for a “just” war.  Others maintain that all war is, by its very nature, immoral.  What do you think?

500 words 2 references 

In your own words, describe what ethics is as it relates to the Public Safety Community?

500 words 2 references 

Do you think public servants should be held to higher ethical standards than managers in the private sector. Why?

500 words 2 references