Read Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 of “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” from Or get the pdf file of the book from the same link.

  1. Finish running all the examples in Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 of  “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” by yourself in  Python shell interactive command mode or IDLE editor window. Collect all  output of your running examples and submit them in one text file named  “CSC111-SLP4-Examples-YourFirstNameLastname”
  2. Finish coding the following exercises in Python, run them, and  collect the running results into a file named  “CSC111-SLP4-Exercises-YourFirstNameLastName” and submit it.
    1. Exercise 18.1
    2. Exercise 18.2
    3. Exercise 19.1
    4. Exercise 19.2
    5. Exercise 19.3
    6. Exercise 19.4

Note: When you program the exercises you can name them whatever you want, such as or but the submitted file should provide name of the exercise, source code, and running results.

  1. Finally, write a summary document named as  “CSC111-SLP4Summary-YourFirstNameLastName” to report what you have  learned from this Case Assignment and any other learning experience.