NR 505 Advance Research Method: Evidence-based Practice

(Chamberlain College – Spring 2016)

Week 3 TD 1 – Plan a Quantitative Study

You will continue to work with the priority issue from your Week 2 committee discussion. First look at your priority issue from Week 2 and describe a quantitative study to address the issue. What would be your research question? How will you select your sample to make sure that your study has external validity? What factors would affect the internal validity of your study? Remember to pick an article that is different from someone else in your committee. You should each have a quantitative study article for this discussion board.

Week 3 TD 2 – Plan a Qualitative Study

You will continue to work with the priority issue from your Week 2 committee. First look at your priority issue from Week 2 and describe a qualitative study to address the issue. Which qualitative design would you use? How will you make sure that the information you obtain is trustworthy? How is trustworthiness in qualitative research similar and different from reliability and validity?