Scenario: A rural community in Southeast Asia, located near a river, has traditionally relied on it as a source of fish (both to sell for their livelihood and to eat) and water (for drinking and washing). Recently, a factory was built upstream, providing employment to the people from the community, who see it as a pathway to higher incomes. However, the factory is releasing byproducts into the river, which is becoming so polluted that the community will soon not be able to fish or use the water for anything else. The drop in the number and health of fish has already threatened the livelihoods of the fisherfolk, and it is only getting worse.


A few ideations to solve the problem

IMPLEMENTATION (what will it take to make the solution work, all factors considered?)

– What is Valuable to the User?
– What is Possible, from an Engineering Standpoint?
-What is Desirable, from a Corporation/Governmental body’s financial limitations or goals?
– What is Good for the Society & Environment?

STAKEHOLDERS (How is the solution fair to all parties involved: the designers, the makers, and the users?) 

– The Designers (Us? Engineers? Corporation/Government?)
– The Makers (General Contractor + who the General Contractor would hire to contribute to making the solution?)
– The Users (Parents, children, childcare providers, and society? Designers and Makers may also be the users)


Summary of the reasons above, as to why this solution makes sense. Accompany with a visual aid if possible

Process Documentation
Summarize what happened in each of the 3 stages of our Design Process 

No word limit!